A weeping tree with dark green leaves. Bunches of small white flowers are followed by deep red fruit. Height 3m. Spread 2-5m. Flowers from May to June. Fruits from August. Good to screen fences or eyesores in sun or shade. Semi-evergreen.
A half standard with arching branches and deeply veined semi evergreen leaves. White flowers are followed by cream yellow round fruit becoming pink tinged in Winter. Flowers from May to June. Fruits from August Evergreen. Superb for screening. A neat small tree.
Half standard, semi-evergreen tree with arching branches and glossy, dark green leaves. Large bunches of white flowers are followed by round, bright red or orange-red fruit. Flowers from May to July. Fruits from August good in sun or shade. A great tree for a small garden and year round interest.
A rounded thorny tree with double white flowers from April to May. Fruits from June. Good in cold locations.
Midland Hawthorn. A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Clusters of double scarlet flowers, followed by red or orange-red fruit. Height 8m. Spread 8m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June. Good in cold locations.
Midland Hawthorn. A rounded thorny tree with glossy mid-green leaves. Clusters of double white flowers, ageing to pink. followed by red or orange-red fruit. Height 8m. Spread 8m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June Deciduous. Hardy.
Pineapple Broom. An upright tree-like shrub with silvery grey leaves. Attractive upright, dense racemes of yellow. pineapple-scented flowers. Height 5m. Spread 5m.Flowers from July to August. Deciduous. Hardy. Sheltered Site.
Mountain Gum. A tree with smooth creamy white bark, leaves round when young followed by narrow bright green, adult leaves. Umbels of white flowers in late summer to autumn. Height 20m. Spread 8m. Flowers from August to September. Evergreen. Hardy.
This fast-growing evergreen tree can be planted in a large space as a stand-alone specimen or kept to smaller proportions using pruning methods such as coppicing or pollarding. The foliage is often used in flower arranging.
Small tree. Fine drooping branches & pendulous foliage. Young trees retain foliage to ground level. Juvenile leaves blue-green, narrow & willow-like. Requires shelter. Particularly beautiful. Growth rate moderate.
Small leaves. Feathery juvenile foliage. Grey or brown bark. Lime tolerant. Very hardy. Coppices well. Tolerates some exposure. Growth rate slow to moderate.
A slow-growing compact evergreen tree with round intense silver-blue foliage. Grows to 1-2m in height. Flowers are white and appear in spring.
Strong-growing large shrub or small tree. Produces greenish white flowers in summer followed by pale pink 4-ribbed fruit with black seeds and orange arils. Hardy.
Common Beech. A British native tree with wavy margined leaves, pale at first, turning glossy dark green. Height 25m. Spread 15m. Deciduous. Leaves turn russet in autumn and stay on until spring. SOLD @ 40 -60cms.
Maidenhair Tree. A beautiful tree with fan-shaped green to yellow-green leaves. Clusters of male catkin-like flowers and round female flowers produce plum-like yellow-green fruit.
Dwarf conifer that reaches 2.5' tall x 3' wide in about 10 years. Bright green leaves have two lobes and are unique among woody plants. They turn bright gold in fall and will all drop off within a 24 hour period.
Honey Locust. A tree with handsome standard tree fern-like golden yellow leaves in spring, maturing to pale green. Yellowing in autumn. Height 7m. Spread 3m. Deciduous. Hardy.
Golden-rain Tree. Star of India. A spreading tree with pinnate leaves 45cm long, emerging red-pink turning mid-green. Small yellow flowers are followed by bladder-like pink or red flushed fruit. Height 10m. Spread 10m. Flowers from July to August. Fruits from September. Deciduous.
A spreading tree with dark green leaves and very long racemes of golden yellow flowers from late spring to early summer. Height 8m. Spread 8m. A sterile variety so produces no seeds. Trifoliata leaves are silvery green at first darkening as summer progresses.
Sweet Gum. A broadly conical tree with deeply divided, glossy leaves, turning dark blackish red in autumn. Height 25m. Spread 12m. Deciduous. Hardy. Shelter from cold drying winds.
Beautiful cultivar with a regular, pyramidal growth pattern, up to about 20m. The young leaf has a slightly purple hue and has reddish leaf stems. The leaves are somewhat smaller than typical of the species. In summer the foliage is bright green, turning orange-red to deep purple in autumn. The branches and trunk are conspicuously thickly covered with corky fissures.
Sweet Gum. A broadly conical tree with deeply divided, glossy leaves, turning purple then orange-yellow in autumn. Height 25m. Spread 12m. Deciduous. Hardy. Shelter from cold drying winds.
Tulip Tree. A vigorous tree with saddle-shaped, dark green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Cup-shaped pale green flowers with orange bands at the bases in mid-summer. Height 10m. Spread 5m. Deciduous.
Deciduous. A very hardy small tree or shrub that produces a profusion of goblet to saucer shaped white flowers on bare stems in April.
Crab Apple. A small spreading tree with slightly drooping branches. flowers pink in bud opening white. Fruits yellow with an orange flush. A good tree for a small space. 5m High.
'Cheal's Weeping' is a compact, semi-weeping, deciduous tree with ovate to elliptic, toothed, dark green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Clusters of fragrant, pink flowers in mid-spring are followed by small, edible, spherical, orange-red fruit in autumn.
Crab Apple. A weeping tree with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty, pink-flushed white flowers open from red buds in late spring followed by glossy, bright red fruits. Height 4m. Spread 3m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June.
Crab Apple. A conical tree with attractive white flowers produced from red buds in late spring followed by red-flushed orange-yellow fruits. Height 7m. Spread 6m. Flowers from May to June. Fruits from July. Deciduous.
A round-headed, small deciduous tree with narrow leaves on arching branches. Flowers white or pale pink, opening from crimson buds. Fruit 1cm, red and yellow.
Crab Apple. A small rounded tree with bright green leaves. Pretty white flowers open from pink buds in late spring followed by long-lasting golden yellow fruits. Height 6m. Spread 3m. A great tree for small gardens with both flowers and fruit. Sunny position preferred.
Crab Apple. An upright tree with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty, pink-flushed white flowers open from red buds in late spring followed by glossy, large bright red fruits. Height 6m. Spread 3m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June.
Crab Apple. The best fruiting crab apple tree with white flowers opening from pale pink buds in late spring followed by attractive orange and red fruits. Height 8m. Spread 5m. Flowers from May to June. Fruits from July.
Crab Apple. A rounded tree with bronze-green leaves, reddish purple when young. Pretty dark purple-pink flowers open from dark red buds in late spring followed by glossy purple-red fruits. Height 6m. Spread 6m. Great foliage colour.
Columnar Apple. A columnar apple tree with dark green leaves. Pretty, pink blossom in late spring followed by glossy, red / green fruits. Height 6-8ft. A very neat dwarf tree ideal for restricted spaces.
Crab apple. An upright tree with green/purple leaves. Pretty, pink/purple flowers in late spring followed by glossy, bright red/orange fruits which remain over winter. Height 5m. Spread 3m. Flowers April to May. Fruits from June.
Crab Apple. An upright tree with glossy dark green leaves. Pretty pink-flushed white flowers open from red buds in late spring followed by glossy bright red fruits. Height 7m. Spread 3m. Flowers from April to May. Fruits from June. Masses of brilliant red crab apples in autumn.
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm
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